I am an artist who embraces technology.

An articulate, creative, and talented Graphics and GIS Professional with
exceptional production skills, I am a skilled and versatile lifelong learner.

Working with GIS since 2004, and Digital Imaging professionally since 2000,
I have developed professional systems and positions with repeated success.

Relied on for on-time delivery of quality visual collateral, I have not missed a deadline.
My background and ability in cross-departmental communications skills bring projects together successfully.

I am a San Francisco Art Institute alumnus and
a member of the Bay Area Automated Mapping Association.

I am also a certified N.E.R.T. volunteer, and my Neighborhood N.E.R.T. Coordinator. HAM call sign KJ6EXF.
I am involved with the Hayes Valley Farm Urban Agriculture Project.

Graphic Design  *  GIS  *  Technical Communications  *  Information Visualization  *  Creative Consultation

"Vita brevis, Ars in diuturna discendo." - anon.