Click above for the PDF version my Resume



  • Talented, skilled, and tenacious artist invested in quality product development

  • Technology-minded problem-solver, well-versed in GIS

  • Highly skilled and experienced in multi-task management, and on-time deadline-driven delivery


Computer Proficiencies

  • Arc GIS (to 9.2); GRASS, QGIS; Trimble trained in GPS with Pathfinder; RS using ERDAS Imagine

  • Advanced Adobe CS - Excellent Photoshop and Illustrator skills, InDesign, Dreamweaver, ImageReady, Flash; Advanced Adobe Acrobat/Distiller/PDF Writer

  • Competent html; Web Design and Webmaster skills; some JavaScript

  • Google Earth/SketchUp, kml

  • MS Access; work with SQL, Command Line, ERDs, Eclipse, Postgres with PuTTy and PGAdmin, beginning UML

  • Work with Autocad 2000 and Bentley Microstation files

  • MS Office (Outlook, Word, Excel), advanced PowerPoint; GIMP, Inkscape, OpenOffice, beginning Blender

  • iGrafix / Micrografix Designer, QuarkXpress; Extensis Portfolio

  • Mac, PC and Linux

Related Skills

  • Excellent fine art skills for design and print, experienced photographer, excellent scanning skills

  • Excellent layout, editing, design and illustration, deadline management and problem solving skills

  • Project and small staff management, excellent telephone and customer/client relations skills

  • Excellent General Office, in-house/outsourced printing and proofing, and collateral organization and archiving skills

  • Well Developed interpersonal and interdepartmental coordination skills

Profile | Experience | Education



2010, Temporary, Current (furloughed)

Strategic Staffing - "Great comment!" - Client Manager remark

  • Business to Business Collateral Enhancement Communications

Contract and Volunteer GIS and Design work

Ongoing, as needed

Volunteer, Contractor - "We really liked your work..." - Client comment

  • Rush re-processing of CADD files for print, color-correction and image enhancement, delivery via secure ftp - February 2009

  • 3D animation using client files, Google Earth and SketchUp for Scaled Solar - Freelance through December 2008.

  • Web designer, Webmaster and Graphics Principal for Experience Unlimited San Francisco - Volunteer since 2002.

  • Lead introductory computer skills class at Booker T. Washington community center - Fall 2004.


2007 to 2008

Production Artist - "You Rock!" - Company CEO comment

  • Developed new position for Environmental Engineering Group, creating new workflow process and improving production.

  • Relied on for ad hoc webmastering, and marketing collateral development for high-profile projects.

  • Repeatedly complimented and relied on for the quality of my work, met all deadlines, mostly under pressure.

Sharechive, LLC (now FACS)

2005 to 2007

Professional Services (Design), GIS Developer - "Great! Send it out today." CEO comment on Archive development

  • Developed Open Source GIS implementation for client visualization, while Digital Imaging plans and key marketing materials.

  • Lead, researched and developed 4D client-visualization/project management interface, incorporating open source GIS software, with a Software Engineer and an Urban Design professional.

  • Developed product archive process and created key proofs-of-concept, instrumental in increasing business.

H and R Block

2004 to 2005

Command Center - "Brilliant, Daniel!" Corporate Management comment on my innovation efforts

  • Developed new Scheduling position, coordinating with District Site Managers and Staff, and improved productivity at local offices by up to 10% over the tax season.

  • Improved scheduling system efficiency at the corporate level on-the-job, receiving a standing ovation at tax season end.

Wilbur Smith Associates

2000 to 2002

Graphics Technician - "That's beautiful." comment on a Proposal Cover

  • Specifically requested, on the merit of my work, to design an Artist's Conceptual Rendering for an intermodal transit terminal.

  • Primary print collateral liaison, generated all new collateral on-time under deadline, strategized master plan and and re-organization of digital collateral archive.

Degenkolb Engineers


Graphics Technician - "...outstanding performance..." - letter excerpt from CFO

  • Successfully coordinated an office-wide relocation and re-organization of the Records Department at the managerial level, during my first months on the job, oversaw the project and supervised a small team.

San Francisco Airport Museums - 1999

San Francisco Art Institute - 1995 to 1997

Profile | Skills | Education


San Francisco State University - GIS Program Certificate 2004

San Francisco Art Institute - BFA, Printmaking (Intensive Digital Imaging Studies)

Awards and Grants

  • Anne Bremmer Artist's Book Award 1997

  • San Francisco Art Institute Grant 1995, 1996, 1997

Profile | Skills | Experience


  • Bay Area Automated Mapping Association (BAAMA) - Bay Area URISA Chapter, Professional Organization for Geospatial Professionals - Member

  • San Francisco Neighborhod Emergency Response Team (N.E.R.T.) - Bay Area Citizen Corps, Volunteer Emergency Responders - Hayes Valley Neighborhood Coordinator

  • Experience Unlimited San Francisco - San Francisco Chapter of the Job Club for Professionals - Volunteer Webmaster and Graphics Support Prime

  • Hayes Valley Farm - City Sponsored Non-Profit Urban Agriculture Implementation, Education and Community Outreach - Volunteer

Graphic Design  *  GIS  *  Technical Communications  *  Information Visualization  *  Creative Consultation

Today is Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 13:36:52. Welcome.

"Vita brevis, Ars in diuturna discendo." - anon.

Profile | Skills | Experience | Education | Organizations | Resume PDF